Title: "Rebirth"
Series: "Routines"
Artist: Alexey Cubas
"Rebirth" is a large-format work (180cm x 280cm) that marks the artist's return to abstract art after years of exploring other disciplines. This piece, created with acrylic on canvas, is part of the "Routines" series, evoking the renewal and resurgence of creativity in the artist's daily life. With a monochromatic palette and dynamic texture, "Rebirth" invites the viewer to embark on an introspective journey and reflect on the cycles of routine and personal reinvention.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 180cm x 280cm
Shipping: The artwork will be professionally packaged and shipped to ensure it arrives in perfect condition. Due to its large size, special care and materials will be used to protect it during transit.